You can update your personal and beneficiary information at any time. You can change your coverage selections each year during annual enrollment. When you experience a qualifying Life Event during the year, you can make changes to your coverage status and to your benefits options.
Life Events:
Life Events can directly affect your benefits needs and present an opportunity to change your benefits coverage. After a qualifying Life Event, you have 60 days to make changes to your benefits. You can register new dependents for coverage (see Dependents in the HPE Benefits Enrollment Tool for a definition of eligible dependents); and can re-enroll and make changes to your benefits. Access the HPE Benefits Enrollment Tool from HPE Benefits Connect.
Qualifying Life Events:
- Gain of a spouse (legal marriage or common-law)
- Birth or adoption of any child
- Divorce / Separation / Disqualification of common-law
- Loss of a spouse
- Gain/Loss of spouse’s coverage
- Loss of a child, or a child becomes/is no longer eligible for coverage
- Move to/from Quebec
Once you have completed your benefits changes, you can print a confirmation of your choices. Until the changes are processed, claims will continue to be paid using your current benefit choices.
Remember, you may also need to make changes to your personal information to reflect your Life Event. To make these changes please contact HPE Benefit Centre at 1-844-546-6488, Option 1 or via the HPE Portal.
Learn more about Life Events in the FAQs.